The concept of taking charge of breast health to prevent breast cancer is a foreign one for many women.
Although organizations who set guidelines differ on when to have your first one and how often to have one, the general consensus is that having a regular mammogram is the primary way to prevent breast cancer.
According to the National Cancer Institute “cancer prevention is action taken to lower the chance of getting cancer.” Having a screening, whether it is a mammogram, ultrasound or MRI, is not an action that lowers your risk.
Since 90-95% of breast cancer diagnoses are related the environment and how we are living, making any positive change in lifestyle is taking action to lower your risk.
The more positive lifestyle changes you make, the more you are taking charge of your overall health and your breast health.
So how do you begin to Take Charge of Your Breast Health?
Like having other breast screenings, having a Breast Thermogram does not lower your risk. However, it is a good first step to take charge because it gives you the State-of-Your-Breast Health, incenting you to take proactive steps to reduce your risk.