Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, breast thermography does not emit any radiation, does not require harmful compression of the breasts or any injections or dyes, and is completely pain-free.

It is simply measuring the heat on the surface of the breasts using a high-resolution digital infrared camera.

Breast Thermal Imaging is for women of all ages and all breast types. It is especially effective for women with Dense Breasts, women with Breast Implants, women who have had Breast Reductions and for Monitoring after Surgery or while undergoing treatment. Although safe for pregnant and breastfeeding women, it is not recommended for Risk Assessment until at least 6 months after a woman stops breastfeeding.

A woman’s journey to prevent breast disease can begin at any age. The sooner she begins to have Breast Thermograms the sooner she may be alerted of physiological changes in time to incorporate preventive strategies to reduce her risk of disease. Physiological changes typically occur years before structural changes.

Since there has been an increase in aggressive inflammatory breast disease in women 25-39 years of age, a woman should begin to have Breast Thermograms in her 20’s to establish her unique Breastprint.

No, Breast Thermography does not replace Mammography or any other screening. It is an additional screening that gives a woman a Risk Assessment, incenting her to be proactive to reduce her risk of disease. It does not provide “negative” or “positive” results.

Metabolic cellular activity and vascular circulation are greater in abnormal tissue and may show up as heat in the Breast Thermal images.

The evaluating doctor usually recommends every 3-6 months for women at higher risk, every 6 months-12 months for women at average risk and every 12 months for women at low risk.

The cost of a Breast Thermogram is $295.00. This includes taking nine (9) thermal images, the evaluating doctor’s Report and Risk Assessment and an hour Follow-Up Session with Gaye to review the Report/Risk Assessment and discuss suggestions to improve breast health.

The price for additional coaching after your Breast Thermogram Follow-up Session for a one-time consultation is $150.00 per hour.

Breast Thermography is usually not covered by insurance providers. Some Christian-based co-op insurance providers are beginning to cover Breast Thermography.

As more women inform their providers that they are having Breast Thermograms, the sooner the providers may consider covering it in the future.

Cash, Check or Credit Card, including Health Savings Accounts.



Gaye Walden is a true gem for women like me who want to learn more about breast health and overall wellness. She has tremendous passion for breast health and provided me with a wealth of information and resources to help me in my journey. She is so generous in her sharing and I am very grateful for the time she spent with me as well as her expertise.

Gaye is a tremendous source of knowledge!
- Roberta

Gayle does a great job not only in her thermography workup but also in her explanation of what steps to take to have and keep good breast health. I was so lucky to have her referred to me by my good friend.
- Nancy

Very professional and informative. An all around great experience.

Being Proactive
I can not say enough about my experience with Gaye Walden, not only was she qualified and her expertise exemplary, but her demeanor and patience put me in a feel good mood leaving me less worried. I hope more women take the initiative to put their health in perspective with a Thermogram which will better serve their needs now and in the future.
- Virginia

It was one of the best experiences I’ve ever had with a knowledgeable Caring person Gaye Walden.


Breast Thermography is not a stand-alone technology or competitor to other breast health screenings, including mammography. It is FDA-registered and should be used for preventive care. It does not provide “negative” or “positive” results.​