Breast Thermogram Pricing
Home » Breast Thermography » Breast Thermogram Pricing
Pre-payment by credit card required for all appointment types.
Every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday the location for initial and subsequent appointments is 8502 Lorraine Drive.
Services Provided:
- Same 9 images are taken as the Initial Thermogram (outlined above).
- Prior thermograms are closely compared/analyzed with Follow-Up Thermogram to assess risk changes.
- The Evaluating Doctor (who follows the American Academy of Thermology guidelines for evaluation) provides a detailed Thermogram Report and Risk Assessment indicating any change in risk. Report normally completed in 7-10 days.
- One-Hour Follow-up Session with Certified Health Coach to review the Report and discuss additional proactive steps that may need to be taken (i.e. suggestions, recommendations and resources). If the Follow-up Session, which is normally scheduled on the day of the imaging, is postponed or delayed longer than 3 weeks after the imaging, an additional charge of $150.00 will be incurred. This Follow-Up Session may be done In-person (in Charlotte) or by Phone or Zoom.
Every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday the location for a ThermoGlimpse appointment is 8502 Lorraine Drive and the price is $100.00 pre-paid by credit card.
Holistic Breast Health offers consultations in-person in Charlotte or by phone or Zoom at an hourly rate of $150.00 per hour pre-paid by credit card.
Every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday the location for ThermoCheck appointments is 8502 Lorraine Drive and the price is $150.00 pre-paid by credit card.
There are some healthcare sharing plans that may cover breast thermography.
We accept all major Credit Cards
(including Health Savings Account (HSA) funds and
Flexible Spending Account (FSA funds)

Gaye Walden is a true gem for women like me who want to learn more about breast health and overall wellness. She has tremendous passion for breast health and provided me with a wealth of information and resources to help me in my journey. She is so generous in her sharing and I am very grateful for the time she spent with me as well as her expertise.
Being Proactive
I can not say enough about my experience with Gaye Walden, not only was she qualified and her expertise exemplary, but her demeanor and patience put me in a feel good mood leaving me less worried. I hope more women take the initiative to put their health in perspective with a Thermogram which will better serve their needs now and in the future.
- Nancy