The same is true when you see a Breast Thermal Image in Rainbow colors. This thermal image shows very healthy breasts.
Why is this an image of a woman with healthy breasts? Look at the symmetry, meaning look how the colors in the Right Breast are the same as the colors in the Left breast. And, the predominant colors in the major areas of the breasts are in the cooler colors on the color scale shown to the right of the image.
The areas in the warmer colors on the color scale, the neck, underarms and underneath the breasts, are normal areas of heat.
The thermal image below shows unhealthy breasts. Notice the extreme asymmetry, meaning look at the difference in the colors when comparing the Right breast to the Left breast.
What is the woman with the healthy breasts doing that the woman with the unhealthy breasts is not doing?
The woman with the healthy breasts (first image) eats a strictly organic whole foods diet and the woman with the unhealthy breasts (second image) does not. There are other factors at play here in addition to what these women are eating, but making healthier eating choices a priority lays the groundwork for good health and good breast health.
With food being the foundation, the 5 Pillars to Take Charge of Breast Health is a good visual of some of the other lifestyle factors that are at play when it comes to understanding how the environment, not genetics, contributes to the majority of breast cancer diagnosis.
Like the COVID virus which affects both old and young, breast cancer affects women of all ages, with an increase in the number of women being diagnosed who are 25-39 years old. Encouraged for a woman of any age, especially women who are younger than 40 who normally do not get any kind of breast screening, the ThermoGlimpse is a cost effective way to get an introduction to Breast Thermography and a “glimpse” of her breast health without having to get a complete doctor-interpreted Thermogram.